Chit chat

I took an evening walk to the coast where the spring flowers and the nesting birds are approaching their zenith. I've been reading a book about bio-acoustics and tried to concentrate on listening to the natural soundscape, the noises made by living things, the wind, and the sea. As I moved away from the cliffs towards the uncultivated grassland of the coastal slope my ears were assailed by the staccato clink and chink of a couple of stone chats. At first I couldn't find them with my binoculars but then I spotted them ,and another stonechat, and more, perched on the gorse bushes.  I think there are 6 in this shot. (The males have dark heads and orange breasts, the females are more muted in colour.) I realised that while I was searching for them they were gathering to watch me. The observation was mutual.

Actually I now know these to be linnets (although the sound was of stonechats)

Thank you to everyone who took the trouble to comment on Fred's cat-astrophe and to offer their best wishes. He's as well as can be expected, eating and  drinking small quantities and not straying from his blanket bed. Recovery will be a slow process.

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