A Bonsai Nursery...

       Just about any nursery is made out of a lot of parts.  Here we see a very old bonsai, on display.  shelving is often made out of blocks and 2x8's so they can easily and quickly be moved about to suit the needs at the time.  Behind the plants and shelving is the greenhouse which keeps all of the tropical and temperature sensitive plants protected from the cold temperatures below 50 degrees.
      There are many parts of the nursery.... growing beds where pre-bonsai trees grow and develop, the pre-bonsai tables that customers can wander through, the bonsai tables where finished bonsai are on display, the work area where loads of bonsai organic soil is kept and pot up new plants, the sifter where bonsai stone is sifted and washed, the misting areas where where newly air-layered or rooted plants are kept in pearlite to develop tender roots, the pavilion where people gather to work on there trees or listen to a speaker, or observe and listen to a speaker, the potting tables where people take there plants to wash clean, root prune, pot their plants, and then there is the picnic table.  Everyone gathers there for lunch, conversation, camaraderie and just friendly conversation.

It is a wonderful, magical place.

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