Tiny Tuesday Butterfly

I set off this morning confident I would come back home with loads of wonderful Butterfly blips, but the day was dark and cold, and although the butterfly house is hot, they mustn't have felt like flitting about in the dark grey light.  This is the only one I saw and it was in the same position from my going in to coming out; normally they are all over the place and it's a sure thing to get a good shot.

I only live a few minutes away, but two other women had travelled from Sheffield and naturally were more disappointed than I was - however they reminded me about the more prestigious hot house at Roundhay Park in Leeds, so maybe I'll go over there and see what they have.

Seeing I didn't have any shots to rave about today I decided I'd try and swap out the background to make the shot a bit different - no way have I seen any sky that remotely resembles this one today.  :-))

Thank you for visiting my journal and for the kind response to yesterday's MM Blip;  thank you too to JDO for hosting the TT challenge during May. 

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