"Watch out!"

Tuesday 9th May 2017 (1718)

I had just stepped out into the back garden when I spotted this baby on the patio. I was able to get a low angle shot. A few shots later it hopped under the bush. I turned to survey my door (more of that later) when I suddenly saw a black flash as a cat raced across the garden towards the baby. I raced the cat but it reached the bush first. As I shouted it turned and fled back round the house. I made sure it had completely gone and then went to look for baby, fearing the worst. Thankfully baby was still under the bush but hopped further under the shrubs. 

I went back inside and watched for a while. After a few minutes mother (I guess) turned up. At first she sat on the fence calling. Then she went up and down the grass, in and out of the shrubs. I wanted to point her in the right direction. She did seem to be getting a bit distressed but there was nothing much I could do. Half an hour later the cat was back, searching the shrubs. I went out to encourage it to leave. I do hope mum managed to get baby to safety.

Now the door ... my gardener came today. Five minutes after he had started there was a knock on the window. I went to see what he wanted and wondered why he had thrown soapy water all over one door, then realised it wasn't water, the glass had shattered. He confessed that the mower had thrown up a stone which had shattered the glass panel (extra). It wasn't his fault, these things happen. It did make a rather nice pattern!   

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