I had to spend much of the morning fasting in preparation for supplying some blood to be tested.  It is all very routine and the sort of thing you pay more attention to as you get older.  The fasting had an significant effect on my energy levels - the Cooriedog walk was something of an effort.  I have renewed respect for breakfasts.

The blood was duly taken.  It looked fine to me, the same dark red colour it has always been.  However, the nurse felt that it would still be worth send off to a laboratory to confirm its good health.  Weight has gone down (reduced wine intake) and my blood pressure remains excellent.  When I am told these things I immediately feel healthier even though I was perfectly healthy before.

After the blood test, the fasting shackles were removed and time for a chocolate bar and a couple of sandwiches.  That also had a significant effect on my energy levels and I had to have some sleep.

Balance is being restored.

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