Hare, hare!!

For much of the day I had prime responsibility for the care of Torran the grandson.  As he recently learned how to walk he was keen to practice his skills and to reduce his downtime.  So we went round and round the kitchen first, them the house and then the garden.

We discussed this over lunch (I did all the talking, it was that type of discussion) and I suggested we go to Dawyck Botanical Garden.  You've now turned one year old, I told him, it is time to get out and see the world.  Torran yawned which I took as a sign he was happy to go, provided he could make use the car journey to have a little sleep.

So we went to Dawyck and Torran dutifully slept.  He continued to sleep in his buggy while I had a coffee, a scone and a cake.  He continued to sleep as I made my way through the garden taking shots of glorious rhododendrons and the like.  

Eventually, he woke up.  In due course he wanted out of the buggy.  In further course, he refused to get back in.  He showed little interest in the plants although he did force a bluebell flower to leave its stem.  Had he been caught, he might have been banned for life.

I came across a hare and, after I took a photograph, I drew it to Torran's attention.  'Woof, woof' he went.  The hare hopped off, singularly unimpressed.

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