Robin at large

By Robin

Happy 1st Blipday

Today I celebrate my first Blip birthday. A cake would seem appropriate, unfortunately no candles were available, not even one. In any case as I had this cake in John Lewis there is probably a law against naked flames or smoking flames.

Did I think a year ago I would have achieved a photo a day for a full year, most probably not. Still I made it, do I get a day off now. Well that would spoil the unbroken record, which seems to sound like some form of addiction.

Do I think taking a photo a day, or several, usually more than one, has enhanced my photographic skills. Perhaps. Has it made me more aware of looking for photo opportunities definitely. Have I sometimes taken a photo just to maintain my unbroken record. Certainly.

Anyway here I am, a year old and still going strong, at any rate for today. For tomorrow, or even another year, only time will tell. However since I renewed my subscription today the intent is there.

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