
By cowgirl


Firstly, thank you to everyone for your kind Blipday comments. It crept up on me, much like the 6 years I've been blipping have flown by. I love being here, even though I don't have much time to comment at the moment. Thank you for being there guys! Xx

Anyway, Georgina;
Back home now, along with her patient foster mum, Diamond. What a very appropriate name, she is an absolute diamond mare, having totally taken to little orphan Georgina.

Little baby G is a bit of a handful! She is bred from athletic show jumping stock, whereas Diamond is a Suffolk Punch, an English breed of draught horse.

Apparently Georgina ran Diamond ragged at first, but now they've settled in, Diamond just grazes whilst Georgina runs about like a lunatic! She's cheeky enough to hang around us, whilst her mum grazes.

My extras are of Georgina frolicking and one of her with Diamond.

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