Early one morning .....

...... just as the sun was ri- i -sing .............. well I'm sure you know the rest of this song.

No singing for me - just their pet, "Gizmo", looking at me from his log when I came downstairs early this morning. He's very cute but I have to be honest and say I do prefer a pet that has fur and actually "does" something aside from eat live food :-(( - I held him for a while but he just sat there and looked at me - so he got blipped and put back in his tank!!

I am up in't'North - Bradford, West Yorkshire to be exact - looking at locations and finalising arrangements for the wedding in three weeks and four days (to be exact) of my number one stepson, Stuart and my lovely future daughter-in-law, Lisa - I am THE photographer on the day (quake, shake and tremble).

I'm sure the photos of the rings, dress, flowers etc will all be fine but the portrait shots....??? Those are the ones that fill me with dread.

Maybe Gizmo could be the ringbearer - one less human portrait to shoot!!!!!!!

Today is the anniversary of 9/11 - please remember those who died and their families, those who were injured and their families and those who gave of their time and expertise to help others on that tragic day.

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