Ivory Rose

So ....... today is the first day since I started on blip that it hasn't been in the forefront of my mind to post my entry!! (I have been to the dentist this morning!)

Instead I have been practising the art of wedding flower photography (with wedding rings balanced precariously on top/at the side/wherever) ...... obviously I haven't got the actual flowers but I know white roses figure in THE bouquet and this week Tesco (other supermarkets are available) obligingly have ivory roses on sale - I now have a dozen!!!!!

It didn't go too badly until I came to download them and found some of the photos were corrupted on the memory card - omg - just one more thing to worry about on the day!!!!! Card corruption!!!!!

Ah well, you all get to see one of the roses - without rings - and I will go back to my practising.

Gizmo says thank you for your comments, stars and hearts yesterday - he is a proud dragon!

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