Life through the lens...

By ValC

Window shopping

Window shopping in the Victoria Quarter, Leeds.

What a wonderful window display.
Designed by the Japanese Artist, Yayoi Kusama.
Wonder if you can guess what this shop is selling???
(Answer in tomorrows blip!)

We weren't just window shopping, although we hadn't gone with the intention of buying anything.
MrC came back with a new sweater,(15% off) Pair of trainers (50% off) and a fleece
(£10 off) .
I bought some trainers (20% off second pair, MrC bought the first)
So we managed to save £51.00 but spent quite a bit more!!!

I did resist a beautiful Vivienne Westwood jacket price £645.00. Told the assistant I would be back if I won the lottery!!

I do love Leeds.
We stopped to listen to a lovely young lady playing an electric violin.
I don't know how much she had collected, but lots of passers- by were dropping money in her open violin case, and it was getting quite full when we put some in at lunchtime.

An early meal tonight as I have a wine club committee meeting. (might just have a small glass(I am driving)

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