Beware Sammy!

It was a fine sunny and warm morning.  It slowly clouded over, and wind has picked up, with some light showers this evening. 

It's been a busy day on the museum desk.  We had the council in again for more meetings, with teas and coffees to set up, and also deal with their lunches.  There was also another group in the for a meeting in the afternoon too.  Been out walkies with Sammy this evening, and then off to work in the pub later.

There wasn't much inspiration about tonight, but me and Sammy did stumble on this chickens.  The sign here used to read "Beware of Chickens", and I have passed it many times while out, but never actually seen chickens here until now.  Sammy was fairly interested in making new friends, but the chickens were having none of it.  Taken at the Creek, Scalloway. 

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