If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Cock Pheasant

We awoke to the sound of rain on the roof, in fact we fell asleep to the sound of rain on the roof.  This was a bit of a downer as we planned a visit to Leighton Moss RSPB Reserve.

After a leisurely start to the day we left the site and headed for the reserve.  Fortunately the car park was pretty empty making the parking of the motorhome Caampervan motorcaravan (I am never quite sure what the correct name for them is) thing on wheels much easier.  Our first stop was the cafe for a Panini for lunch.  The just outside the entrance door we spotted a pair of Robins feeding young in a nest about 6 feet from the door.  It was hidden in the Ivy.   The pair were very tame almost walking over your shoes.

While standing taking shots of the Robins this Cock Pheasant wandered past.  I felt I would use him as today's blip as he is so different from the one in the garden.  Differences:  no ring neck, dark almost black chest and the silver grey on the side and wings.

After a short visit to the hides (the pouring rain and breeding season meant there weren't many birds around) we headed home through the Lakes. 

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