MonoMonday: Unlocking Inspiration

The Heist
Chapman had this down; up the birch tree, onto the little limbs, down to the feeder. Sometimes he had to wait, hidden in the greenery, till the Lady wasn't looking. The Lady was bad news. She would dash out ranting and raving, sending everyone scampering off. He would be back in a moment though, Chapman was not scared of anyone, let alone a lady.
It had taken some serious talking, but he had been able to convince his own sweetheart to be an assistant in the plot. She had thought it was a crime, but he talked her out of such nonsense. Since her change of mind, he started calling her Convert -  Little Convert sometimes, in their more intimate moments. 
The plan was clear: He would do the climbing and seed dropping, she would keep away the birds till he got down to share in the feast. It never went as planned. She would start gobbling the seeds as soon as they dropped, lose them in the grass, ignore the birds...He got so worked up, lost his balance and fell in a most humiliating way. 
But wait, now comes the Lady with the big clippers. 
Oh, no,no,no. She is cutting down the branch!
Chapman has to figure out another way. And he will.

See the extras for the unfolding of the story. Thank you SkiMe for hosting this!

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