It's BACK.

Just for MY record.

Some years ago, I had a "Mole". 
It was positioned just about at the bottom of where an Appendix scar would be if I had one.
It grew to about the size of the 1st joint of my thumb and started to become "a bit of a nuisance", catching underpants as I pulled them up etc. 
The Doc. duly removed it, leaving a bald patch of about 1.5" diameter, and the reassuring news that the biopsy proved it to be none malignant.
It was, understandably, a wee bit painful under clothing. I got around this, much to the amusement of those privy to the fact, by dint of taping a "Tea strainer" over the healing wound.
I recently noticed it has returned, but have a feeling I'll probably "pop my clogs" before a second "Molectomy" is required.

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