More Fluffy Weeds

The dandelions in our garden seem to be having a resurgence! It's rubbish for the garden but great for Blips in the afternoon sunshine.
I was a very proud Mummy today - Miss E got two house points and her first ever homework got a "Great work" from the teacher!! She had to trace the letter "m" a few times and then write it herself a few times. She's always liked copying letters and writing so it was right up her alley and she was so proud that the teacher said it was good.
We did it this morning because I hadn't looked in the book so hadn't seen the note about homework. Miss E just happened to mention that we had to write M for homework..... Oops!!!
Miss L and I had a very lazy day.
I didn't bother getting her dressed for the school run - because she normally stays in the car - so she went in her Weetabix and milk covered jim-jams. While I was chatting to another Mum in the next car Miss E let Miss L out of her car seat and she then insisted on coming into the classroom with us. Not embarrassing at all!!!
This morning I threw away half the contents of our fridge - such a waste to buy food and then just throw it away......
But no more! I've signed up for Tesco's delivery scheme where you get unlimited orders for a flat delivery charge of £10 a month. So my new fabulous plan is to have a couple of small deliveries a week rather than buying all the food in one go and not getting round to using it. We'll see!!!

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