knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Must get mannequin back

I really need to go and see if I can get my Mannequin back from the gallery so I don't have to do any self-portraits.
As you can see the scarf is finished. It's not as scrunchy as I was hoping for, but I don't mind as it's orangey, sparkly, and fluffy. Perfect combination.
Another hectic day where I still feel that not that much was achieved.
I sat last night watching the tennis (amazing match, well the first half was all i could manage, and well done Mr Murray) and making an instruction sheet on my iPad for how to finger crochet. This was for the Yarn Club today. I love my iPad as I got the whole thing done sitting on the sofa and typing whilst taking photos at the same time. Perfect for this couch potato.
The Yarn Club went well today and they had a good bash at finger crochet. I've told them that they can get crochet hooks once they've got it mastered and can hopefully get them to make some small crochet animals later on.
Starting to have a stress with weaving now as still got to get my college work done, as well as start to make some more things for selling. Hoping it all comes together somehow.

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