Count the Cockys

This is one of those moments that's truly hard to describe.  CCN and I have been listening to the Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos carrying on for a few days now.  They have been flying around in frantically and we're not sure what all the fuss is about.  We have never seen them out here in such large numbers.  This morning there was an enormous racket and when I raced outside I could see there were several of them sitting in a tree just down from our deck.  This is the best I could do image wise, but if you do a cocky count I think you'll find there are about 16 of them and that's just one tree.  They were everywhere.  I'm going to call National Parks tomorrow and ask them if they know if this is usual behaviour at this time of the year.  In all the 18 years I've lived out here at Wombat Hollow I've never seen anything like it.

Oops, I've just done another count - make it 18!!!

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