The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

From the prom

Sunshine and showers today, the air is so much cooler and the days are distinctly shorter. Over the Kent estuary, the clouds were clearing as I came home, and the rippled water was glittering in the shafts of sunlight. The gulls were riding the breeze.

Back at the ranch, Reg has gone into hiding just when we needed to keep close track of him. On the weekend, we placed the new insulated tortoise shelter close to where he has been spending his time this last couple of weeks, and he has decamped to another part of the garden in disgust. How are we going to persuade him it's in his best interests to spend the nights in his new quarters?

I shall be away tomorrow, out of blipping range, back at the end of the week. It's a very early start in the morning, so I shall not be commenting much tonight.

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