But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

From One Bridge to Another.

I’ve not been out cycling recently, so I let myself into it gently – joining the club at the start and bailing out at Dunfermline for a scone and a coffee before returning home. Although the weather wasn’t too bad, the sun refused to shine for the pictures I wanted to take although it was happy to show itself at other times; the main objective was the Blip of the bridges for Wide Angle Wednesday. Sunshine on the suspension wires can be quite spectacular and maybe a bit of lens flare as well. I also desperately wanted people in the picture but, apart from one pixilated gentleman in the distance, they were conspicuous by their absence. Perhaps I’ll try and repeat the shot in the summer though I fear that the roadway will be encased in an ugly tin box very soon.
While this may be only the third Forth bridge to Fife, it is the fifth Firth of Forth bridge, the other two being at Kincardine – though strangely, if you Google “Forth bridges,” only the three Queensferry ones are acknowledged

Thanks are due to BobsBlips for hosting.

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