Life In Wales

By KarenC


We've had a full day's trip to Capri today which was wonderful. We were going to go by the public ferry, but the receptionist at the hotel recommended a company who do excursions on small boats with a maximum of 12 passengers. It was double the price of going on the ferry but it included a guided tour around the island on the boat, lunch and drinks.

We were picked up from the hotel at 9.20am and taken to a tiny marina and set sail for Capri with our guide Giuseppe. On arrival we had 4 hours of free time and joined a mini bus tour that took us to Anacapri, Capri and then back to the boat. It gave us about an hour and a half in each place which was perfect, and I decided to go up the chairlift to Mount Solara. Mum couldn't come as she wouldn't have been able to get on and off the moving chairs, so she had a wander round the little town.

The views from the chairlift and from the top of Mount Solara were amazing and it was so peaceful on the ride up there, and although it looks high, you're never actually that far from the ground. This view is taken looking back down on the town of Anacapri.

Capri itself is beautiful and the town has lots of designer shops that I didn't expect to see, but apparently lots of celebrities have homes there. We sat and had a glass of Prosecco and welcomed a bit of shade as it's been full on sun and about 27 degrees!

Back on the boat and we set sail around the island, went into the green grotto and white grotto, but he wasn't allowed to take us into the blue grotto as you have to pay to go here. He also dropped the anchor so we could swim in the sea, which I was going to do until some 'youngsters' dived in and all said it was so cold! So I sat on the board at the back of the boat and just dangled my feet in.

We got back to the hotel about 5pm and I went for a swim in the pool before dinner and then we had drinks with a couple that we met yesterday.

Tomorrow we're off to Pompeii!

Thanks for all your comments and favourites on yesterday's Blip which is currently sat on the second popular page. I apologise for the lack of comments, but by the time I get to upload my blip, I'm almost falling asleep!

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