
By atoll

Home Alone (Again)

Finally finished my interminable report today at precisely 2:30pm, so had already decided beforehand that although I had a pile of other work stacked up, it would be wise to take a break in-between finishing one job and starting another.

So it was that our weekend arrived early on Tuesday afternoon, as me and MrsB packed up the car to head of to Bristol to friends Martin and Angela. The Boatyard and Useful Dave beckons for the gentlemen sailors tomorrow, whilst the jewellery shops of Bath likely has more appeal for the lovely ladies.

All sounds perfect except oops, we thought daughter J would have already been back to Sheffield in advance of Freshers Week at the University by now. I had first told J I had a business meeting in Sheffield on the Tuesday (today) so I could run her over there - except I only realised after my offer, that my meeting was in fact next week. I can take her heavy bags over next week then, I kindly counter-offered. OK she said, but she would go Friday and the bags could follow.

Long story short, this is J then saying goodbye at the door to her selfish parents leaving her all home alone until Thursday night. "You're leaving me on my last week at home?" she asked when we told her our plans at first. "err....well, yes" was the sympathetic reply.

Hope her friends don't find my secret stash of booze.

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