
Friday before a long weekend, the clock moved very slowly at work.... I walked up to the huge Eaton Centre Shopping Mall at lunch in search of a lovely pair of earrings that i modelled at the Mother's Day Fashion Show. I found them, and more! The chain is actually closing down so i picked up a couple of skirts too, all at 40% off. Well worth the walk. I took these pix at the mall and the top one is of 2 fantastc salsa dancers in my favorite make up store - they put on a great performance. My sweetie is feeling worse today...he came home a bit early and went straight to bed. Looks like he will have to miss rowing tomorrow morning. We hope to be on the road by 10:30 to get to Cobourg for lunch with my favorite yoga teacher/studio owner. Then another 4 hours to get to Montreal for the weekend to celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary. Hopefully my sweetie bounces back from this cold quickly.

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