Reunion Birdwalk

This morning Marylee and I led the  birdwalk which had been scheduled as part of her 50th reunion at Mount Holyoke College (with her class of 1967).  We started at 7 am and strolled for an hour along the edge of the campus; someone counted 38 in the group. We had a jolly time, as you can see, although we didn't see a large number of birds. Perhaps best were Baltimore Orioles and a very bright red male Northern Cardinal.  
After a breakfast at the president's house (an outdoor buffet), I gave a presentation of my photos of birds of North America.  The audience numbered at least 100, and was very  enthusiastic.  Marylee participated with comments, and I think everyone had a great time. It was a really special audience, and I enjoyed it as much as any presentation I've ever given. The event was organized by Marylee's friend  Sally Myers (she's the tall lady at the back edge of the birders, with white hair and a lavender shirt).  

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