A l-o-n-g walk

Rosie and I went for a very long walk around White down on the North downs today in search of Bird's nest orchids. Sadly we didn't find a single specimen and we got hopelessly lost! 
On the plus side I walked a long way and a lot of that was uphill! and despite not seeing the orchid I did see lots of other things.
After meandering about in the woods for a long time we eventually came to Blatchford down, which is where I saw this beautiful Common blue butterfly Polyommatus icarus hunkered down in the grass awaiting the rain....sadly it didn;t have to wait very long and we had to run for shelter too under a large crab apple tree! 
Pink purslane Claytonia sibirica was growing in one part of the wood, a very pretty annual of damp woody places that grows well here although I haven't seen it elsewhere, I have included a contextual shot in my extras, plus a macro of the flowers.
Off to kent tomorrow so off to bed now

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