Just another Flower

I took some photos of the flowers in my garden as I waited for my husband to get ready for our drive to the beach. I can't remember what this flower is called, but it faithfully comes back every year and it brings a few new friends with it. It brightens up this one area of my garden so I let it and all its friends stay.  :-)
My daughter and two of her kids & their friends came over to the beach house today. We went out crabbing for the first time this year. We had heard that crabbing has not been good, but we got 22 crab for a lovely dinner and probably will have crab omelets for breakfast. Yummy. See the extras of our time on the boat.
My daughter and kids will have to leave to go home tomorrow but we will stay until at least Tuesday.
Thanks for the lovely comments, stars and hearts for my Rhodies yesterday. I appreciate that you are taking your precious time to look at my photos.  :-))

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