
By antmark

Christ Files;

Plans for the day;

I began the day having arranged a meeting at 11 in the city though, it was one of thouse difficult ones where I had never meet the person before. Had not had any confomation back luckly everything was smooth sailing and had a pleasent meeting. Followed this by a few hours at uni just using facebook. Irronically Al got in contact with me just as I was about to head and asked if I was still heading to presentation on the; Can we trust the New Testiment! A presentation via Dr John Dickson! If I was going could I take the camera and get a few photos. - So I humbely agreed, at this stage I didn't know if work would ring and or if other plans would come about to anything much. But I made the commitment to go. Irronically work rang and the tempation to get back in contact with Al, and say had to work. Thats what My Auntie wanted me to do. (It was a amazing presentation so Glad I went. In Al asking me to take some photos it made me make the event in which I was reminded so much of the historical case for Christ.) What a amazing event. God is so often Lord and behind the sense working even if we don't see what he is doing till well after the fact.

Further more I was blessed with the ability to Capture the event. On a personal note, I wonder what would have happened if Christ had of been around when there was Camera's would people still not believe? What would have happened if he was born in the digital age would his message have been spread quicker? - Such thoughts may bring about our human minds to question God's way and timming, but God knows better. We can suspect all we want but the proublem still remains, that people spirtitualy reject God. That we could build a arguement to why logicaly this would have been a better time, but God's ways are better and he knows what is best.

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