tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Over a barrel

Fleets of these enormous jellyfish have arrived along the southwestern coast of Britain in recent weeks. Even from the clifftop a couple of days ago I could see two of them pulsing through the water below and now, today, I found one freshly grounded in a nearby cove. The barrel, or dustbin lid jellyfish is an extraordinary organism with a umbrella shaped dome that can measure 60 to 90cm/2 to 3 feet, and hanging beneath it a complicated  arrangement something like a chandelier made of tripe. (For a more  technical description see here.)
I was intrigued by the textures - not slimy or repugnant but smooth and firm, like glossy plastic moulding. I've added some close-up extras, and to see the jellyfish in graceful action watch  here  - do make sure to catch the rather unexpected interloper at 0.29.

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