George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

You can't keep a good dog down

I did go to see my (sort of ) Auntie Claire at the vets this afternoon.  and it was goodish news.  The squirty stuff that I have to endure twice a day is having a good effect, and the lumps have gone down quite a bit, and it looks like I won't be crossing the Rainbow Bridge for a few weeks yet.

And the best bit is that I am getting ever so many treats.  This one is particularly delicious.

You might remember I had to go cold turkey on the treats because of a slight case of over-indulgence.  Well, I'm not fat any more, and she says she doesn't care if I do get cuddly again, I can have as many treats as I want.

So there.

Oh, and the local pet shop owner did have some sample probiotics (whatever they are), and he did give them to HER and said that he hopes they do me some good.

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