Baby Magpie

Another 6 a.m. start for our walk where I found a discarded pheasant feather on the ground - I got the camera up close to capture all the detail. The shot is in extras.

I also found a lovely horse chestnut flower ‘candle’ which was quite close to the ground so it was easy to capture. Again the shot is in extras

Got home and switched on the news to hear about the terrible events in Manchester - whatever is the world coming to. Yet another senseless slaughter of innocents.

All morning the hedgerow behind our house has been alive to the sound of squawking magpies - very, very loud and agitated. I assumed they were trying to raid nests - but shortly before lunch I spotted this little creature huddled up against our garden fence. A baby magpie - either fallen or jumped from the nest and presumably lost to the parents. A few minutes later, whilst chatting to our neighbour over the fence I noticed a second baby sitting on top of a shrub right between the two of us. It didn’t appear to be able to fly either

The noise has quietened down - and I can only see one of the babies now. Hope nothing untoward has happened to the other one.

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