
After leaving me a pile of shirts on hangers, a handful of pants and some Christmas socks to pack, Mr W went off to have a root canal filling, poor man.

He then got on with hanging the back gate to keep the garden safe while we are away. He actually asked me to take a picture of him with the gate!!!! (And insisted I blipped it!!)

Daughter Number 2 came over for the day to work so I could show her the ropes for house sitting. She's so excited bless her. She ended her day by wanting me to teach her how to crochet! She picked it up well.

I then went and had a few beauty treatments, left my glasses there and had to go back and am now about to go and possibly repack as Mr W is bound to want to check what additional clothes I chose for him to add to the pile of shirts he left me!

1 more sleep until our big adventure that we booked a year and a half a go!!! Not sure I will sleep too much as Im so excited!!!


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