Batch 79 Half-Reunion, AMS

This afternoon, we drove north to Amsterdam to meet three secondary school classmates I haven't seen since 1979, except for a couple of short dinners the past few years with a bigger group.  The guy is not one of them and I've forgotten his name.  From L, that's Ly, Lu, the guy who's the husband of T beside him, then Le, then G, who used to bully me horribly.  To be honest, I wasn't sure I wanted to meet them, especially as it's been such a hectic time, but I did communicate a general invitation to visit The Netherlands years ago and I am hospitable when folks say they plan to visit as well as when they're actually here, and I am not going back on that.  Besides, I'm not the 'elephant in the room' any more.

We had a fabulous time!  Appointment was at 16.00 at their hotel, and we'd have made it but for the parking space availability (you can't park at the hotel if you're not a paying guest).  We then decided to start walking to the Indonesian restaurant I had recommended and where I'd already made reservations.  On the way there, there was enough catch-up talk, many, many questions from them, and G was especially kind to me, as well as very curious about how I live now.  The meal was stupendous.  The group had actually intended from the start to pay for hubby and me after all the trouble we took to drive north (and, I suspect, in part to make up for all past antagonisms).  If you ever visit AMS, I will recommend this restaurant -- it is a jewel!  The group did find it amusing that they had to travel all the way to Europe to sample Indonesian cooking.  On the way, also, and back to the hotel later, there were visits to our 'coffee shops' to try the native weed.  The couple and I stayed outside as they couldn't take the smoke and I didn't want my clothes to absorb the smells.  Back at the hotel, more chitchat in the room with G and then it was time to take our leave.  The 1.5-hour drive back home was uneventful.

I don't know if I'll see them again.  Their visit here was part of a larger European tour which they themselves arranged -- Paris, Florence, Rome, Barcelona, and then AMS to see me.  I'm taking it at face value and it was a really good day.  As for the weather, it was glorious!  Good food, good weather, good company.  What more do we need for a weekend?

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