Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

That sinking feeling ...

I've no idea why I'm doing this. Got to nine o'clock and I was prowling the house in search of a blip and this seemed to sum it all up really.

So the great question is: how to stay sane with too much work, a dementing Aged P who is very sad and distressed, a bad chest and the unmentionable ailment that has put me on steroids? The answer (oddly from a leftie like me) is to quote two famous conservative prime ministers: "Keep Buggering On" and "There is No Alternative" (KBO and TINA). Answers on a postcard if you know who said 'em.

Big love from the family and some great work colleagues got me through the day. Also discovered a very nice low alcohol cocktail - a couple of inches of white wine on the rocks, top up to close to the brim with tonic, add a slice of lemon. Delicious, refreshing, and easy on the liver.

Chin chin! Life ain't so bad if you keep your pecker up.

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