Cambuskenneth Abbey

With Minty away for a sleepover at his pal's till tomorrow evening I made hay while the sun shone, so to speak...

I picked up cousin Alison from Stirling station and she treated me to a belated birthday lunch at The River House, where we sat at an open window overlooking the water. We both opted for a salad - mine was beetroot and blue murder cheese (!) while Alison chose butternut squash and chickpea.

After dropping Alison at the station to catch a train back to Embra, I took a slight detour round to Cambuskenneth to check out the ancient ruins of the abbey, founded in the 12th century by King David. King James III was apparently buried there.

That's the end of the history lesson. I'll give you the quiz at a later date. In the meantime have a good weekend, blipmates!

PS  Please don't let it rain on Christina's parade tomorrow!

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