Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger


Bad news first: I didn't have the time to prepare a new EP-challenge. And I don't know if I will be able to continue this wonderful adventure of exploring the limits of photography the same way we have done over these last couple of months. 

Last Tuesday, while writing my first story for a German online-magazine, I became increasingly frustrated and irritated with myself. At first I couldn't understand why, because it was as if the story had been waiting to be written. Everything flowed beautifully. Why, then, was I so irritated? It took me a while to realize how MUCH I had missed writing my own stuff. It took me a while to understand that writing was and continues to be an essential part of myself. 

As a self-employed translator I tend to work endless hours. When I took up photography a bit more than half a year ago, time became even shorter. There have also been some essential changes in time management we have implemented in our family life that now allow us to spend quality time with each other every day, changes I have been led to through photography. Life has improved a lot. 

But if I wanted to add something else to the routine, it was obvious I had to cut back and/or focus more on the essential things, loose less time online, spend less time on photography - reevaluate other "extracurricular" activities (like the Experimental Photography challenge which needs a lot of time to prepare).
Starting tomorrow I will write a short text every day. It will consist of five to six (or seven) short numbered paragraphs, each one representing one thought, idea or insight. It is a method I developed in university. It allows me to mix daily life with story-telling and philosophy and prevents me from losing myself in endless babbling. 

Each text will be a unit in itself, so you won't have to read each and every one of my blips. You will be able to come and read whenever you feel like peeping into my mind. Evidently I will continue to photograph, enjoying the visual side of my world and sharing it with you.

I thank those of you who have enjoyed and participated in this adventure of Experimental Photography. It has been an exciting and richly rewarding experience for me. I feel a bit like I'm abandoning those of you who have joined me on this adventure. But from what I can see in your blips, you really don't need me to continue on your own. 

We make rules to break them.

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