Friday Drinks on the Green

After4 more hours of digging, crumbling the soil in my hands and taking out the grass roots and stones and I finished the bed! Far too hot and no energy left to plant seeds  so I decided to do that in the evening before putting the girls to bed.However I met up with Vegan Jo, The Angel, Compassionate Girl , The Homeopath and Circus Girl on the village Green for drinks. I stayed until it began to get dark as it was just so pleasant sitting with friends I had not seen in a long time, in the sun, with a bitter shandy and lots of dogs to throw sticks for! Kes even followed me when I left and I had to return him to Vegan Jo! The Green was full of other villager,  kids jumping into the very high river from the pontoon, and a lot of bikers! They are having an event in Calstock and were setting up their tents on the playing field, coming in and out of the village with lots of revving and roaring of engines, and like us, having a drink in the sun! 
P.S. Just looked at this in large and like everyone says - the boys do look better large! 

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