Hector's House

By MisterPrime


An emergency blip today - usually it's old books on a Thursday but I left my camera in the desk drawer when I went out to work this morning (I realised half way down the street, but it was too late to come back - I had to run for the bus as it was...!) Oh well, there's usually a few sweeties on the cataloguer's table - sometimes even weird fudgey stuff from somebody's holiday in some Eastern European country with a cool wrapper...

I was listening to this song at the time (sorry, back to this morning...) - it comes on accidentally occasionally as it's the first song on my ipod (that is 'first' in so far as I tend to find what I want alphabetically by artist unless it's on some pesky compilation album...) It's the only song by A R Kane on the machine, off one of those Rough Trade things, though I seem to recall I had an album by them on tape back in the day (called, I think, '69' - guess what I'll be googling later!?) - anyway, it's a pretty good one, nonetheless...

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