
Started the day bathing in sunshine and ended it soaking in a thunder storm!

Cathie and I took Toby to Windermere for the day. (Marianne and Eve were meant to be joining us but something came up that they weren't able to.). We got the boat across from Ambleside to Ray Castle and walked down the side of the lake. It was warm and sunny and lovely. Then half way down the clouds started to roll in and thunder started to rumble bang on track from the forecast. We got a little wet walking toward the pick up point for the next crossing but it wasn't till we were at Bowness waiting for the next boat that it really tipped it down!! Everyone was sheltering by the ticket but till the guy apologised for the weather being a little clement but could we all please go onto the Peir and queue there as then it was 'force' people to get off the boat!!! Hahaha!
What was really nice was that everyone was still happy and not bothered by the rain. I suppose because it was still warm enough.
Once back in Ambleside we ducked into our favourite coffee shop just before they closed for a blueberry scone and coffee. :) Ahh! :)
Driving home Cathie got a sudden migraine and felt really sick. :( Got her home and she went straight to bed.
I took Toby back.
He came to us fluffy and soft and beautiful looking and I handed him back soggy, muddy and bedraggled looking!! Hehe!
It was a very nice day. :)

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