form fitting...

...or as T thought 'body bag'!

Today we met with Dr L the radiation oncologist and wow what an outcome!
Resigned to daily zaps for six weeks the little beastie lurking in the lung will be super zapped with  SBRT treatment  in four treatments over two weeks.
The movement of the lungs is compensated and adjusted for during the treatment ...'When the radiation therapy is given to the target (tumour or cancer), the dose is high at this spot but falls off rapidly outside the target.  This means there is a low risk of damaging adjacent normal tissues or organs.  Often limiting or adjusting for movement of the cancer (for instance in the lung as the patient breathes) is done to make sure the cancer is not missed and the surrounding tissue (in this case the lung) does not get too much radiation'

And the form fitting is all getting justright the bod's configuration. That form being encased in a sort of bean bag that is molded by extracting air form the bag to form a solid surround.
This will be my 'SBRT' bed which I will fit in to before each treatment.

This is very exciting and such a relief... and also very cool!

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