Everything in Moderation

They tell me dark chocolate is quite good for the heart if I enjoy it in moderation. I imagine one square every second day is not going overboard with the moderation. If taken with an americano it makes the coffee experience almost pleasurable.

Needless to say my chocolate of choice in the good old days was Cadbury's Milk Chocolate, the intake of which was so moreish it was almost impossible to regulate, as are all things sweet and fatty.

His Lordship once upon a time thought I sweet and fatty. He appears to fall into the category of red bloodied males who rather like soft curves.
He is not now so enamoured of a lean(ish) lady who eschews all things unhealthy and thinks that one square of bitter chocolate every second day is a great epicurean treat.
He complains that I am no fun at all. Oh dear, should I be worried?

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