
I didn't make it out onto the streets for a wander as early as I did yesterday. However day two of being an uber convert went well, as I got to work very quickly and now I will be wandering quite easily with this.

Met some other colleagues with whom I have had much contact. The people here are so generous and friendly and so full of life I think many could learn from a trip here. Given some of the crazy tirades I've heard about yes I reckon this would be a good idea.

I think this was my first trip in a Krishna temple. I was reading through their books on sale especially the yoga ones, an interesting take on the practise. Said a prayer for my Dad who would have been 89 today.

Amazing meal downstairs at Govindas where they spoke no word of English and I no word of Hindi. I was walking out the door a minute before my food arrived as I thought for some reason they could not serve me. Ah, non verbal communication is tricky here.

My conversion to chai drinker continues apace, today ginger chai a gogo. Weekend sees India Pakistan cricket match, I believe that this will be a quiet one.


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