A Woman of Many Talents

Tonight was the opening reception for the 2012 PAPO exhibit (Plein Art Paint Out), and I knew I wanted today's blip to be of Ann Chaikin's work on display.

Known as ArtistAnnie here on Blipfoto, she covers a wide range of subjects with the photos she shares in her journal, "The Artist's Eye." One of her most popular subjects was the series she did of a hummingbird's hatching and development this past spring.

Ann was one of 24 local painters invited to participate in the seventh annual day of painting outdoors (plein air) in the heart of downtown Bellingham (read more about that in her August 25 Blip entry.)

You can see Ann with her other painting here -- do take a look!

Congratulations on your artistic accomplishments, Ann!

(A day of trip preparations and a late blip = not much commenting. I'll catch up tomorrow.)

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