Fungal attraction

"'To be born again,' sang Gibreel Farishta tumbling from the heavens, 'first you have to die.'"

All too soon its morning and time to take Megan back to the bus.

The sun is shining, but rain is on the way. I make a list of things to do, eat bacon and eggs, listen to the radio. I water the plant pots and feed the chickens. And then, unexpectedly, I go back to bed.

Nick leaves for Edinburgh. Angus returns from Peebles. We finish tidying the garden, digging the nail ridden ash from the fire pit, to make it safe for the sheep to get back in. I fix a section of broken fence too. In the end they only get moved into the middle section, but at least the job is done.

I ignore my list, cook tea, watch Hallam Foe, and retire to my chamber, to be born again, refreshed.

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