In My World

By JoanneInOz

Mono Monday 176 - Blip Names

It feels like forever-ago that I began taking a photo a day to add to my blipfoto journal although it was only just over five years ago. I started journaling the 'Evolving Moments' of my life with an old Olympus camera in hand and absolutely no plan (or clue!) of what I was doing, so I walked outside my front door and took a photo of the first flowing tree I saw.

Within two months I'd upgraded my camera to a Canon PowerShot, by which time I'd worked out something of a theme to my journal - my pets, my garden and scenes that I thought were worth sharing around my local area. With the PowerShot, wild birds visiting my garden became the main focus of my photos and I eventually changed the name of my journal to 'In My World' and more recently, after my gorgeous white Labrador Retriever, Bronte, (featured today) arrived 'in my world' I decided to change the name of my journal again, this time to 'In Bronte's World'.

These days I'm dreadfully erratic with blipping! And none of the blip names I've had seem to 'fit'...even the current entity - 'In Bronte's World' - feels as if it places limitations on what I will take photos of (when I have the time!)

Over-riding any name given to a journal, or any contemplation of a new journal name or theme (if there is to be a theme) is the closeness of the blip-community. When I think back over the five-plus years I've been 'blipping', it's the closeness of this community that keeps me taking photos, that makes me want to keep in touch, sharing the highs and lows of the lives of people who have one common interest - photography.

Thank you to Dollykgray for hosting this weeks MM challenge.

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