Pre MonoMonday Rainbow

We cleaned up our terrace this morning even though we haven't finished working on it. It is unlikely that Hubby will do any work on it this week while his sister is over here and the weather has been so nice for sitting outside. After a BBQ lunch we visited some friends who are renovating their house then came home to threatening thunderstorms. We only received a few drops as the storms passed around us but there was a fabulous rainbow across the road from us. The light was amazing but I only had time to nip out with the iPhone before it was gone again.

I am hosting Mono Monday for June. For the first MM, tomorrow,  I am interested in Blip Names. I am always curious about the origin of nicknames and, therefore, Blip names. 
Your MM photo should in someway reflect your blip name and an explanation of its origin included in the entry. If your Blip name is self explanatory then write a little bit about yourself - your personality, your, likes or dislikes, your quirks - with an appropriate photo. This exercise is aimed at learning something more about the wonderful people we connect with on Blipfoto.
Please tag as #MM176.

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