horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Fake Weather

The forecast yesterday reckoned that today it was going to be a pretty wet day all told, and so in the morning, with the rain gently falling, we figured we'd better get a walk in before the heavens opened in earnest. 

By the time we were back at the house in Elgol, after a boggy coastal stroll from Glasnakille, which brought no otters but plenty of seals, the rain had abated. And a check of the forecast now showed that being the tale of the rest of the day.

If we'd known that we might have planned a longer meander, but as it was Mel's tired limbs urged her into hanging about the house as I went out on a brief (again unsuccessful) otter hunt; but after I got back we let gravity carry us down to the shore at Elgol (after making sure a juvenile Wheatear that crashed into one of the windows here was okay...), and around the headland a short way for a little rock hopping.

Home upwards, cursing gravity in general and the hill in particular; cook dinner; eat dinner watching Springwatch; keep an eye out on the potential sunset that's developing.

Mel's approach to rockpooling (on the Glasnakille walk) in the extras...

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