The calm...

Tomorrow and Sunday see the "Best of the West" Festival at Inveraray Castle, the second year of this innovative event.

I am at the Camanachd Cup Final in Oban tomorrow (in which Inveraray and Kyles will battle it out in an all Argyll event for the first time in almost 30 years, and in Argyll too ) but I dropped in this afternoon to see the last minute preparations for BoWfest as it is now being known.

Eleanor Argyll & Mike Story , along with a host of others including former Oban Councillor Neil MacKay , were hard at work and I took a few pictures of stalls being set up by a variety of people and companies including Winston & Anne Churchill whose excellent venison will no doubt be in as great demand as ever.

The award wining - and two more this week - Loch Fyne Whiskies is co-ordinating the whisky bar. This blip is the calm before.

It will be two great days and the weather forecast is set to be fine. So it would be worth a visit.

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