Swallow-tailed Kite

First, I would like to thank all of you for your kind words, stars and hearts yesterday. You helping me celebrate four years with Blip indeed made it a special anniversary! 

This Swallow-tailed kite flew over our yard this morning. The shot is a bit grainy but if you look closely you'll see that it was either putting something up to it's mouth or picking it's teeth beak.haha! The STK is an 'aerial' hunter, catching insects while on the wing and even snatching lizards from trees as it flies by! They grab twigs and moss from the tops of trees for nesting material and they drink by skimming the surface of ponds and lakes, all while in flight! *extra*...And of course, there's alway a squirrel around for 'comic' relief. This one was probably thinking..."what'cha doin'?"

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