Beneath Biscay

By Douglian

Pazo de Tor, Lugo, Galicia

Visited the Pazo de Tor on or way back home from Monforte de Lemos in the south of Galicia's Lugo province..

Pazo is a Galician words equivalent to spanish palacio (palace), but generally more of a rural manor house.

Arrived at about 11:15 to find out that there was a guided tour at 11:00, but since there had been no other visitors we would be it. We were joined ten minutes later by another couple and their two small children.

The house was fascinating and the tour guide excellent, especially good with the children. The tour lasted lasted two hours. The house itself had been bequethed to the Lugo province's museums department by it's last occupant in 1998. This was on condition that it continue to be displayed more or less as she left it and that her last servants/companions be employed as the guides/custodians for as long as they were able.

Some of the rooms were being used for an exhibition of the works of the cartoonist Luís Davila who works for the Galician newspaper Faro de Vigo. I had a job understanding some of them, given that they were all in galician, but those that I did understand were very humerous takes on the human, and particularly galician, condition.

Afterwards, drove to the nearby town of Chantada for lunch and then back to Gijón.

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