Candidate (2)

I was in a very wet Cupar this evening in order to support my friend Stephen Gethins as he works , tirelessly, to be re-elected in North East Fife.

After recording an endorsement of him we went round some doors in the centre of the town 'knocking in" letters to identified supporters.

Many lived in the vennels , closes and pends that run off the town's main thoroughfare , the Bonnygate, and which evidence the history and origins of this ancient place.

In the torrential rain everything, including candidate and activists, were quickly soaked but with the electoral clock ticking ever more loudly the work just had to be done.

This picture counterpoints that of Candidate Joanna Cherry which I took last Thursday and again shows the hard, unglamorous day job of politicians. It is also a tribute to all party workers getting drenched and cold tonight but still putting in the hours.

And I soppose it could be taken as a little homage to a famous Hill & Adamson caolotype taken in a much more exalted "Pend" in nearby St Andrews on a sunnier day in the mid 1840s at the very birth of documentary photography.

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